The Key Differences Between New World and Cuban Cigars
As cigar enthusiasts, one of the most common questions we get is about the differences between New World and Cuban cigars. It’s a topic that sparks a lot of debate and interest among cigar lovers. While both New World and Cuban cigars can be excellent, high-quality smokes, there are some key distinctions between the two. Let’s take a deep dive into the main differences.
Origins and Tobacco Blends
The most fundamental difference is the origins of the tobacco used in each type of cigar. Cuban cigars, as the name implies, are made using tobacco grown exclusively in Cuba. The unique microclimate and soil conditions in Cuba’s Vuelta Abajo region are what give Cuban tobacco its renowned flavour profile.
In contrast, New World cigars can be made with tobacco grown in a variety of regions outside of Cuba, including Nicaragua, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and others. These non-Cuban tobacco-growing regions also have their unique microclimates that impart distinct flavours to the tobacco.
Watch the full video to learn more about New World Cigars: London Lounge Talks | ft. Cally
Another key difference is the tobacco blends used. Cuban cigar makers traditionally use a combination of three main tobacco primings – the lower, middle, and upper leaves of the tobacco plant. This creates a very specific flavour and aroma.
New-world cigar makers have much more flexibility in the tobacco blends they can use, often combining tobaccos from multiple countries and primings to craft unique flavour profiles. This allows for a wider range of taste experiences with New World cigars compared to the more uniform Cuban cigar blends.
Production Methods
The production methods used for Cuban and New World cigars also differ in some important ways. Cuban cigar factories are known for their time-honoured, meticulous production techniques that have changed little over the decades.
Cigars are still rolled by hand by highly skilled torcedores (cigar rollers) in Cuban factories. The bunching, rolling, and finishing processes are all done manually using traditional methods. This results in a high degree of consistency from one Cuban cigar to the next.
However, the top New World cigar brands still place a heavy emphasis on craftsmanship and quality control, so the differences in production methods don’t necessarily equate to a difference in overall cigar quality.
Flavor Profiles
The unique terroir of Cuba’s Vuelta Abajo region, combined with the traditional tobacco blending and production methods, creates a very consistent Cuban cigar flavour profile. While there can be some variability depending on the specific brand and vitola, Cuban cigars generally have a signature robust and balanced taste.
New-world cigars, on the other hand, can exhibit a much wider range of flavour profiles. This is due to the diversity of tobacco-growing regions, blending approaches, and production techniques used. New-world cigar flavours can range from bold and full-bodied to light and refined, with notes like nuts, citrus, chocolate, and honey.
Many new world cigar brands also experiment with infusing or adding flavours to their cigars, which is less common with traditional Cuban cigars. So new world aficionados have more flexibility to explore different taste experiences.
Ageing the Tobacco
The ageing process in cigars is a natural maturation that occurs over time, during which the flavours, aromas, and overall characteristics of the tobacco evolve. This practice is undertaken by cigar enthusiasts once they buy cigars, especially Cuban Cigars. Since, ageing Cuban cigars create refinement and flavour development, which allows a more enjoyable smoking experience.
On the other hand, New World cigars are aged in the factories before they are ready to be sold. So that when consumers buy the New World cigars, they can appreciate the richness and complexity of the aged cigars right away.
In summary, the key differences between New World and Cuban cigars come down to their origins, tobacco blends, production methods, flavour profiles, and the ageing process. Both offer exceptional smoking experiences but with their unique characteristics and appeal.
Ultimately, the “better” type of cigar comes down to personal preference. New World or Cuban – the choice is yours as a cigar enthusiast to explore and decide which style best suits your tastes. The beauty is that both offer a rich world of flavours and experiences to discover.