Davidoff Yamasa Toro Cigars

From £55.99 £53.19


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Experience the epitome of cigar perfection with Yamasa Toro Cigars, where time-honored tradition meets innovative craftsmanship. Meticulously handcrafted by seasoned artisans, these cigars are a testament to the artistry and dedication that goes into every step of their creation.


The Yamasa Toro Cigars boast an elegant and captivating appearance, featuring a seamless, medium-brown wrapper that entices the senses from the first glance. The silky-smooth texture promises a delightful touch, hinting at the luxurious experience that awaits.

Flavor Profile:

Indulge your palate with a symphony of flavors that dance gracefully across your taste buds. Each draw brings forth a harmonious blend of rich earthiness, complemented by hints of toasted nuts, dark cocoa, and subtle notes of sweet spice. The Yamasa Toro Cigars offer a medium to full-bodied smoking experience, providing both complexity and smoothness to satisfy even the most discerning aficionados.

Tobacco Blend:

The heart of these exceptional cigars lies in the meticulously curated blend of premium tobaccos. The filler is a masterful combination of aged Dominican and Nicaraguan long-fillers, chosen for their unique characteristics and carefully balanced proportions. The binder, artfully crafted, ensures a seamless fusion of flavors. All these elements culminate in an extraordinary smoking experience that lingers on the palate, leaving a lasting impression.

Size and Shape:

The Toro vitola, a classic and beloved size, measures approximately 6 inches in length with a ring gauge of 50, striking the perfect balance between ample smoking time and an ideal draw. The generous size allows the flavors to develop gradually, ensuring a satisfying journey from start to finish.

Unwavering Quality:

Yamasa Toro Cigars are meticulously quality-controlled at every stage of production. From the hand-selection of the tobacco leaves to the delicate rolling process, each cigar undergoes strict scrutiny to maintain the highest standards of quality and consistency.

Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or seeking a moment of relaxation, Yamasa Toro Cigars will elevate your cigar-smoking experience to new heights. Immerse yourself in the world of refined flavors and expert craftsmanship that only Yamasa can deliver.

Warning: Tobacco smoking can be harmful to health. This product is intended for use by adults of legal smoking age. Smoke responsibly.

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Single Stick, Pack of 4




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