As cigars continue to grow in popularity in Britain, so too does the number of venues catering to aficionados. While pubs have long allowed cigars, there is something special about establishments focused solely on the art of smoking fine cigars. From classic gentleman’s clubs in London with hand-rolled Cuban cigars to modern lounges equipped with […]
In a world where individuality is celebrated, there’s a certain allure to crafting your own smoking experience. From the ritualistic process to the unique flavors, loose tobacco offers aficionados a chance to truly make smoking their own. Join us as we delve into the enchanting realm of loose tobacco and discover the art of personalized […]
Hey Cigar lovers!!! Looking for the best Cigar books? Cigar enthusiasts know that the world of cigars is as intricate and nuanced as the smoke that wafts from a perfectly rolled cigar. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or a curious novice, delving into the rich literature about cigars can deepen your appreciation for this timeless […]
Regarding cigars, aficionados worldwide unanimously agree that Cuban cigars hold a special place in the hearts of cigar enthusiasts. Renowned for their unparalleled quality, exquisite flavour profiles, and meticulous craftsmanship, Cuban cigars symbolise luxury and indulgence. In this blog post, we will take you on a journey through the world of cigars and unveil the […]
Coffee enthusiasts are always on the lookout for unique and bold flavourto satisfy their discerning palates. In recent years, a trend known as cigar roast coffee has been gaining popularity among aficionados seeking a truly distinctive coffee experience. This special roast, inspired by the world of premium cigars, brings together the rich and complex flavourof […]
In the world of luxury cigars, Davidoff stands as a venerable name synonymous with sophistication, craftsmanship, and a commitment to excellence. Among its many esteemed collections, Davidoff London Cigars hold a special place, reflecting the brand’s dedication to delivering an unparalleled smoking experience. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the essence of Davidoff London […]
If you love cigars, you’ve probably seen the famous punch cigars. Steeped in rich history and boasting exceptional flavors, Punch Cigars has carved out a niche in the world of luxury cigars. In this cigar blog, we explore the fascinating world of punch cigars, revealing fun facts that make you appreciate the depth of this […]
We are excited to take you with us on the journey to our most recent private cigar sampling event held in one of the most historic places in London City! So sit back with a cigar and savour the experience for the next few minutes. The awaited moment has come when you get a sneak […]
When it comes to exploring the world of luxury cigars, one name that stands out is Charter Oak. Known for its rich heritage and exceptional craftsmanship, Charter Oak cigars have become a symbol of wealth and sophistication for cigar enthusiasts around the world In this comprehensive guide we will explore the roots, quality and unparalleled […]
In the heart of the Vuelta Abajo tobacco-growing region in Cuba lies the town of San Juan y Martinez, home to the iconic hoyo de monterrey plantation. Rooted in the 19th century, this brand embodies the essence of Cuban cigar craftsmanship. The Monterreyes No.4 Edición Limitada 2021, a celebration of rare experiences, stand as a […]