Davidoff Grand Cru cigars were envisioned as being crafted with the same meticulous care as classic Bordeaux wines. Building on this legacy, the latest innovation is the Diademas Finas Limited Edition Collection, which elevates the Grand Cru experience even further. This exceptional cigar features tobacco aged in Premier Grand Cru red wine casks from Bordeaux, infusing it with unique flavors. In a nod to Zino�s trailblazing spirit, this marks the first use of wine cask-aged tobacco in a Davidoff blend. The San Vicente seco tobacco is aged for six months in these casks, absorbing notes reminiscent of Bordeaux chateaux wines�dark cherries, walnuts, and citrus. The result is a flavor profile that evolves on the palate much like wine swirling in a glass. This Limited Edition release is presented in a striking figurado format, which enhances the richness of the blend and guides the palate through its complex flavors. Strength: 2/5 Format: Diadema Wrapper: Connecticut from Ecuador Binder: Dominican Republic Filler: Dominican Republic Length: 6 3/4″ Ring Gauge: 50
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